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ENDANGERED – Stop Fucking Killing Me, 2021

ENDANGERED – Stop Fucking Killing Me, is a series of paint on paper collages that examines the sad reality of humans’ disregard for nature, specifically the killing off of species at an alarming rate.


Most of the animal images I use are from vintage elementary grade school level books and postcards. Some of the animals are already extinct or are on the endangered species list; others aren’t classified endangered yet, but if things don’t change for the better soon they could be.


The paint glob that I collage over the images is the leftover acrylic paint I peel from my palette. As is with a lot of art material acrylic paint is toxic. About ten years ago I stopped throwing away my unused paint. Today, I have jars full of old dried oil paint that never made it to the canvas, and stacks of paper palette pages covered in leftover acrylic paint.


I glue the acrylic globs on top of the animals, essentially killing them. For most of the pieces I purposefully cover the eyes of the animal to underscore its life has left its body. But for others I let an eye peak out from behind the toxic mass as if the animal knows it has been poisoned and is desperately looking for help.


A not so fun fact: In the last 100 years, 543 known species went extinct. Before man entered the picture, it’s estimated that it would have taken 10,000 years to reach that number. Scientists also estimate that at the current rate, 500 more species could go extinct in just the next two decades.

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